About KUP

Kyushu University Press was established in 1975 for the purpose of publishing scholarly works of professors and research workers of the Kyushu University and other universities in Kyushu and its vicinities including Okinawa.

One of our unique characteristics is such an aggregation of the universities of theregion, embracing 14 affiliated colleges and universities. We publish more than thirty new booksannually, having a backlist of over 1,300 titles.

Affiliated colleges and universities


Eugenics in Japan

Eugenics in Japan

Eugenics and its place in the modernizat…


Kyushu University Press

#302 Common Facility 4,
Kyushu University,
744 Motooka, Nishi-ku,
Fukuoka 819-0385, JAPAN
Phone: +81-92-836-8256
Fax: +81-92-836-8236
E-mail : info@kup.or.jp

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