City Planning in Asia

Takeshi Chishagi ed.
6,200 yen (excl. tax)
18.8 x 1.8 x 25.4 cm (7.4 x 0.7 x 10 inches), Hardback, 206 pages
Octorber 2001
  • amazon




Chapter 1 The Growth of Cities in Japan and Issues Affecting City Planning
Chapter 2 Urbanization Process and Shift in Systems related thereto
       in Korea and their Future
Chapter 3 Construction of Cities and City Planning in China
Chapter 4 Urban Development Systems and Urban Planning in Taiwan
Chapter 5 Improvement of Cities and Urban Planning in Philippines
Chapter 6 Development of Cities and City Planning in Indonesia
Chapter 7 Town Planning in Peninsular Malaysia



Takeshi CHISHAKI (Chapter 1) received his B.Eng. from Kyushu University. He worked at The National Railway and studied as engineering assisatant at Kyushu University, and as assistant Professor at Nagasaki University. He is currently Professor of Engineering at graduate school of Kyushu Unversity.

Yangjae LEE (Chapter 2) received his B.Eng. from Hongik University. Heis currently Professor of engineering at Wonkwang University.

Zhou DECI (Chapter 3) completed the bachelor course of Shanghai Tongji University and received his Ph.D. from Fairfield University. He is Currently the addirional post professor at Tsinghua University.

Wen-Chih HUANG (Chapter 4) received his B.eng. from National Taiwan Ocean University. He is currently assistant Professor of Narional Taiwan Ocean University and D.Eng.

Yoji KAWAKAMI (Chapter 5) received his B.Eng. from Waseda University. He studied as engineering assistant at Yokohoma National University. He is currently engineering assitanat Professor of Fukui University and D.Eng.

Shigeharu NAGURA (Chapter 5) receibed his B.Eng. from Kyoto University. He is currently the chief investigator of the urban planning division of the Kobe City Office.

Toshinori NEMOTO (Chapter 5) received his B.Eng. from Tokyo Institute of technology. He studied as engineering assistant of Tokyo Institute of technology and taught at Fukuoka University as Professor of Commercial Science. He is currently Professor of Commercial Science at Hitotsubashi University.

Shinya TAKASHIMA (Chapter 6) received his B.Eng from Osaka University. He worked at the construction division of Osaka City Office. He works currently in City of Osaka Public Engineering Works Foundarion.

Toshio KIMURA (chapter 7 ) received his B.Sc. from Ritsumeikan University. He is currently Manager of foreign division at Fukuyama Consultants Co.,Ltd.

Cai MUYOU (Chapter 7) received his B.Sc. from University of Science, Malaysia. He works currently at Fukuyama Consultants Co.,Ltd.


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