New Measurements and Observations of the Treasury of Massaliotes, the Doric Treasury and the Tholos in the Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia at Delphi

Juko Ito
19,000 yen (excl. tax)
21.8 x 4.1 x 30.7 cm (8.6 x 1.6 x 12.1 inches), Hardback, 408 pages
March 2004
  • amazon


Columns of shining marble, massive walls, elaborately carved ornaments ―the architecture of classical antiquity still retains the beauty of ancient times and attracts the people of modern times.
This book treats the site planning of buildings in many famous Greek sanctuaries from the standpoint of ancient architects. The author discusses the main sanctuaries from the Greek Archaic to the Roman Imperial period, including the Acropolis at Athens, Delphi, Olympia, Gerasa, Baalbek, etc. Reviewing previous studies, he discusses several known architectural documents such as inscriptions and drawings. The main and most exciting part of this work is the author’s analyses of the planning of each sanctuary. All the processes of planning from the initial to final stage are described from the practical view-point that the ancient architects must have used their ancient foot system to decide the site proportions and dimensions. This book should be very stimulating and useful to all architects and archaeologists who think about their work not only theoretically but also practically.


Survey outline
Chapter 1 The Treasury of the Massaliotes
Chapter 2 The Doric Treasury
Chapter 3 The Tholos: Measurements and Observations
Chapter 4 The Tholos: Design Process
Chapter 5 Sculpture of the Treasuries
Chapter 6 Conclusion and summary
List of Figures and Tables
List of Plates


J. Ito
Introduction, Chapter 1, 2-1~2-6, 3-1~3-4, 3-7, 6
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Kumamoto University
Y. Hayashida
Chapter 1-1~1-5, 1-9, 2-7, 5-5~3-6
Associate Professor, Miyakonojo Institute of Technology
A. Ota
Chapter 1-6~1-8, 2-7, 3-1~3-4
students, Graduate School of Hiroshima University
K. Hoshi
Chapter 3-1~3-4
Associate Professor, Maebashi Institute of Technology
Y. Okada
Chapter 3-5~3-6
Professor, Research Institute for Iraqi Ancient Culture, Kokushikan University
K. Horiuchi
Chapter 4
Professor, Kumamoto Institute of Technology Department of Architecture
T. Katsumata
Chapter 5
Associate Professor, Joshibi University of Art and Design


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