The New Viewpoints and New Solutions of Economic Sciences in the Information Society

Series of Monographs of Contemporary Social Systems Solutions; volume 2
Shusaku Hiraki, Nan Zhang eds.
5,000 yen (excl. tax)
19.1 x 1.5 x 26.4 cm (7.5 x 0.6 x 10.4 inches), Hardback, 160 pages
March 2011
  • amazon




Chapter 1  Economic Evaluation of the Recovery Process from a Great Disaster in Japan: The Case of Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake  Toshihisa Toyoda
 1. Introduction
2. Economic Evaluation of the Recovery Process
3. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 2  The Economic Analysis of Altruistic Consumer Behavior  Hiroaki Teramoto
 1. Introduction
2. Intrahousehold Altruism and Market Place Selfishness
3. Mutual Altruism within Households
4. Bequests and Strategic Interaction
5. The Incentive Model
6. Conclusion
Chapter 3  External Debt Default and Renegotiation Economics  Chris Czerkawski
 1. Introduction
2. Economics of debt default
3. Conclusion
Chapter 4  Statistical Observations on the External Flow of Funds between China and the U.S.  Nan Zhang
 1. Introduction
2. Basic Concepts in the Analysis of Global-Flow-of-Funds
3. Mirror Image in External Flow of Funds between the US and China
4. The Structural Problems of External Flow of Funds in China
5. Conclusion
Chapter 5  Trade Flows in ASEAN plus Alpha  Sithanonxay Suvannaphakdy and Toshihisa Toyoda
 1. Introduction
2. Conceptual Framework
3. Econometric Model
4. Data
5. Empirical Results and Policy Implications
6. Conclusion
Chapter 6  Inventory Policies Under Time-varying Demand  Michinori Sakaguchi
 1. Introduction
2. Inventory Model
3. Demand Distribution
4. Demand Type
5. Decomposition of Models
6. Optimal Policy
7. A Few Periods Model
Chapter 7  RIDE: Differential Evolution with a Rotation-Invariant Crossover Operation for Nonlinear Optimization  Setsuko Sakai and Tetsuyuki Takahama
 1. Introduction
2. Optimization and Rotation-Invariant Property
3. Differential Evolution
4. Rotation-Invariant Crossover
5. Solving Optimization Problems
6. Conclusion
Chapter 8  The Network of Information Society Law  Munenori Kitahara
 1. Introduction
2. The Information Society of Japan
3. Information Society and Law
4. Information Technology and Information Accidents
5. Information Society Law
6. The Network of the Information Society Law
7. Conclusion
Chapter 9  The Function of the Copyright Mechanism: The Coordination of Interests of an Inventor and an Improver  Koshiro Ota
 1. Introduction
2. Patent
3. Copyright
4. Telecommunications Act
5. Trade Secret Act: Technological and Product Development Mechanism in Silicon Valley
6. Conclusions
About the Authors


Tosghihisa Toyoda, Hiroshima Shudo University
Hiroaki Teramoto, Hiroshima Shudo University
Chris Czerkawski, Hiroshima Shudo University
Nan Zhang, Hiroshima Shudo University
Sithanonxay Suvannaphakdy, Ph.D Candidate of Graduate School of Economic Sciences at Hiroshima Shudo University
Michinori Sakaguchi, Hiroshima Shudo University
Setsuko Sakai, Hiroshima Shudo University
Tetsuyuki Takahama, Hiroshima City University
Munenori Kitahara, Hiroshima Shudo University
Koshiro Ota, Hiroshima Shudo University


Series of Monographs of Contemporary Social Systems Solutions
Social Systems Solutions by Legal Informatics, Economic Sciences and Computer Sciences The New Viewpoints and New Solutions of Economic Sciences in the Information Society Social Systems Solutions Applied by Economic Sciences and Mathematical Research Social Systems Solutions through Economic Sciences
Legal Informatics, Economic Science and Mathematical Research


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