Challenging Researches in Economic Sciences Legal Informatics, Environmental Economics, Economics, OR and Mathematics

Series of Monographs of Contemporary Social Systems Solutions; volume 8
Munenori Kitahara & Hiroaki Teramoto eds.
5,000 yen (excl. tax)
15.4 x 1.4 x 23.2 cm (6 x 0.5 x 9.1 inches), Hardback, 152 pages
March 2017
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 This book contains contributions from wide variety of research in information society,
information sciences, environmental economics, economic sciences, systems approach to the
economic, managerial, mathematical, environmental, and legal subjects. The focus of most
articles is on the recent developments in the relevant. The set of papers in this book reflect both each theory and wide range of applications to economic and managerial models. The economic sciences is based upon an interdisciplinary education and research area of sciences economics, econometrics, statistics, information sciences, system sciences, application information sciences, operations research and legal informatics.
 This book consists of six chapters as follows:
 Chapter 1, by Munenori Kitahara, refers to the ownership and propertyzation of personally identifiable information from a viewpoint of economics of personal information. The importance of personal information has been emphasized in various senses for the past few years. Industries are focusing on the economic value of personal information. The government intends to use personal information for tax policy. The business world stresses on that personal information is new oil for new industries. Therefore, there is a strong tendency to trade personal information as a public good. This is a movement towards publicization of personal information, ignoring the original owner’s right of personal information. However, personal information would not become public goods attributing to public domain.
 Even in the advanced information society, there presents the status quo that a property right can’t be set in information and there is no ownership right to personal information. This is because the property theory unique to tangible thing might be applied to information. It is now required to challenge to establish the rights to information and personal information so that the information subjects and the owner could get economic benefit by exploiting them.
 The author will propose that we should admit the property value or economic value of personal information, and set a property right or ownership over personal information. By respecting those rights, transactions of personal information are legitimized and transparent. As a result, we will respect individuals and contribute to the realization of personal information protection.
 Chapter 2, by Chris Czerkawski and Osamu Kurihara, will deal with the new international lending structure. In this paper the growth of the newly formed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is discussed in view of the parallel, to the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, new international lending structure initiated and managed largely by China. The deficiencies of the existing system are presented as well as the expected and prospective advantages for the new international investment group and its members.
 Chapter 3, by Hiroshi Hasegawa will research on the forest conservation policies from the viewpoint of environmental economics. This chapter introduces Among various forest conservation policies, the current study has taken up the forest certification project and the clean development mechanism (CDM) project, to apply the environmental economic evaluation system. The forest certification system is expected not only to control illegal logging but also to contribute to maintain the ecosystem service, while the CDM projects have positive effects not only on air quality by absorbing CO2 and producing O2 but also on total ecosystem as well. In particular, the study has researched on potential monetary valuation methods to internalize environmental benefits and costs through cost-benefit analysis of these projects, as trying evaluations of natural ecosystem in Sabah including the Kinabalu National Park (UNESCO world natural heritage) as well as the Deramakot Forest Reserve Area. Finally, ecosystem service of the tropical forest (natural forest, production forest, and farmland) has been estimated for Sabah, with some political implication.
 Chapter 4, by Setsuko Sakai and Tetsuyuki Takahama will research on the effect of JADE with group-based learning. The chapter is as follows: Differential Evolution (DE) has been successfully applied to various optimization problems. The performance of DE is affected by algorithm parameters such as a scaling factor and a crossover rate. Many studies have been done to control the parameters adaptively. One of the most successful studies on controlling the parameters is JADE. In
JADE, the values of each parameter are generated according to one probability density function (PDF) which is learned by the values in success cases where the child is better than the parent. However, search performance might be improved by learning multiple PDFs for each parameter based on some characteristics of search points. In this study, search points are divided into plural groups according to some criteria and PDFs are learned by parameter values in success cases for each group. Objective values and distances from a reference point, which is the best search point or the centroid of search points, are adopted as the criteria. The effect of JADE with group-based learning is shown by solving thirteen benchmark problems.
 Chapter 5, by Ryoko Wada and Yoshio Agaoka will deal with generators of irreducible components of harmonic polynomials. The abstract is follows: Classical harmonic polynomials on Cd are generalized to several vector spaces from the Lie algebraic viewpoint by Kostant-Rallis. In their formulation, the case Cd corresponds to the real rank 1 Lie algebra so(d, 1). In the series of papers we further investigate harmonic polynomials corresponding to the Lie algebras su(d, 1), sp(d, 1) and f4(−20), etc. that are also real rank 1. In this paper we consider harmonic polynomials for the real rank 2 case so(d, 2), and determine the generators of irreducible components of harmonic polynomials for the principal part. Further, we give an algorithm to obtain generators of lower irreducible components, give some examples, and state several conjectures for future studies. We also give reproducing kernels of the lower irreducible components of harmonic polynomials in some cases.
 Chapter 6, by Akira Kubo, will examine the solvable models of noncompact real Grassmannians. The author says as follows: Any Riemannian symmetric space of noncompact type is isometric to the solvable part of the Iwasawa decomposition of its isometry groups with a left-invariant Rieman-nian metric. The solvable Lie group, or the corresponding metric solvable Lie algebra is called the solvable model of the symmetric space. In this paper, we construct the solvable models of noncompact real Grassmannians explicitly.


Chapter 1 Economics of Personal Information: The Ownership and Propertyzation of PII  Munenori Kitahara
 1. Introduction
 2. The Background and Resolved Issues
 3. Behavioral Information
 4. Generation of Personal Information
 5. Property of Personal Information
 6. Trade of Personal Information
 7. Conclusion
Chapter 2 The Asian Infrastructure Investiment Bank and Building up a New Parallel International Financial System  Chris Czerkawski and Osamu Kurihara
 1. Introduction
 2. The AIIB and the US Response
 3. Criticism of the Existing International Funding Infrastructure
 4. The Chinese Rationale for the AIIB
 5. The AIIB and the New Silk Road
 6. The Governance of the AIIB
 7. Potential for Growth of the AIIB
Chapter 3 Application of Environmental Economic Evaluation to Forest Conservation
Policies in Sabah, Malaysia  Hiroshi Hasegawa
 1. Introduction
 2. Necessity of Environmental Economic Evaluation for Forest Policies
 3. Cost-benefit Analysis
 4. Application of Environmental Economic Evaluation to Forest Certification Project
 5. Application of Environmental Economic Evaluation to CDM Project
 6. Monetary Evaluation Methods for Environmental Values
 7. Applicable Evaluation Framework
 8. Results of Economic Evaluation for Natural Ecosystem in Sabah
 9. Contribution to Forest Policy/Project by Environmental Economic Evaluation
Chapter 4 A Comparative Study on Grouping Methods for an Adaptive
Differential Evolution  Setsuku Sakai and Tetsuyuki Takahama
 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. Optimization by Differential Evolution
 4. Proposed Method
 5. Numerical Experiments
 6. Conclusion
Chapter 5 Generators of Irreducible Components of Harmonic Polynomials
in the Case of 𝔰𝔬(d, 2)  Ryoko Wada and Yoshio Agaoka
 1. Introduction
 2. Preliminaries
 3. Irreducible Decomposition of Sn
 4. Generators of Principal Components
 5. Generators of Lower Harmonic Components
 6. Some Conjectures on Lower Harmonic Polynomials
 7. Reproducing Kernels of Irreducible Subspaces of Ln for n ≤ 5
Chapter 6 The Solvable Models of Noncompact Real Grassmannians  Akira Kubo
 1. Introduction
 2. Preliminaries
 3. The Structure of Noncompact Real Grassmannian Manifolds
 4. Proof of the Main Theorem


Munenori KITAHARA, Professor, Hiroshima Shudo University
 Munenori Kitahara (LL.M) is Professor of legal informatics (Rechtsinformatik) at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and the Graduate School of Economic Sciences in Hiroshima Shudo University, Japan. He lectures “Research on Information Society,” “Legal Informatics,” and “Personal Data Protection Management System.” He was a guest professor at the Legal Informatics Institute of Hannover University in Germany (1999-2000).
 He was a research member of legal expert systems (Legal Expert System Les-2, Lecture Note in Computer Science, No.264, Springer Verlag 1987). He is also a member of IVR. He presented several papers: “The Impact of the Computer on the Interpretation of Law (ARSP Beiheft 39, 1991), “Personal Data Processing and Business Ethics”(IVR 22nd World Congress, Granada, Spain 2005), “Ethics of Cyberspace: Information Ethics and Information Moral” (IVR 23rd World Congress, Krakow, Poland 2007), “The Right to Data Protection in Digital Society” (IVR 24th World Congress, Beijin, China 2009), “The Fusion of Law and Information Technology” and “Law and Technology Security Standard” (IVR 25th World Congress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2011), “The Information Society Law in Japan” (The 3rd International Seminar on Information Law 2010, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece). “The Information Society Law : The Fusion of Law and Information Technology” (The 5th International Conference on Information Law and Ethics 2012, Ionian University, Corfu). “Law and Technology: The Fusion of Law and Information Technology” and “Law and Technology: Legal Justice through Deploying Information Technology in Law” (IVR 26th World Congress, Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2013). He also published a paper titled “Legal Justice through the Fusion of Law and Information Technology” (Legal Informatics, Economic Science and Mathematical Research, Kyushu Univ. Press 2014). “Law and Technology: Regulations Compliance through Deploying Information Technology”(IVR 27th World Congress, Washington D.C. 2015). One of his latest researches is “Systematizing and Networking Information Society Law.” The legal system consists of twelve legal groups and some fifty acts which have been related to information, information devices and information networks. He also proposes networking the legal system, and the fusion of law and information technology. He is researching on realizing a legal justice through using information technology. Another is “propertization of personal information based on the ownership.”

Hiroaki TERAMOTO, Professor, Hiroshima Shudo University
He received his Master degree in Economics from Hitotsubashi University in 1972. Since 1989, he has been teaching Hiroshima Shudo University as a professor. His main teaching experiences include Modern Economics (1975~1997), Consumption Economics (1997~) at Hiroshima Shudo University. His special fields of study are consumer behavior and entrepreneur behavior. His major publications are as follows; “Productivity in Consumption   The Application of Household Production Function Approach  ”, Hitotsubashi Ronsou, 1986, Vol.95, №5, pp.661-676; “Intergenerational Transfer of Income and Wealth”, Keizai Kagaku Kenkyu, 1998, Vol.2, №1, pp.91-112; “External Effects of Consumption and Economic Development”, Keizai Kagaku Kenkyu, 2007, Vol.10, №2, pp.39-56; “The Economic Analysis of Altruistic Consumer Behavior”, in S. Hiraki and N. Chang (eds.), The New Viewpoints and New Solutions of Economic Sciences in the Information Society, Kyushu Univ. Press, 2011, pp.13-25; “Health and Consumer Behavior”, in M. Kitahara and H. Teramoto (eds.), Contemporary Works in Economic Sciences, Kyushu Univ. Press, 2016, pp.35-45.

Chris CZERKAWSKI, Professor, Hiroshima Shudo University
 Professor of International Finance, Graduate School of Economic Sciences, Hiroshima Shudo University. Published in the area of International Capital Markets, Foreign Exchange Economics, Corporate Finance in journals in Japan, Australia and the USA.

Osamu KURIHARA, Professor, Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University
 Osamu Kurihara was educated at Meiji Gakuin University, Hiroshima University and Hiroshima Shudo University, where he completed his PhD. He joined Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University as a Professor in 2006. He lectures Macroeconomics and International Economics in the University.
 His research interests are Balance of Payments, Exchange rates and capital flows, currently and historically. He has been a director in Japan Academy for International Trade and Business from 2009.

Hiroshi HASEGAWA, Professor, Hiroshima Shudo University
 He received his Master degree in Agricultural & Resource Economics from University of Hawaii in 1989, following under-graduate years in Tokyo University of Agriculture (1974-79) and Michigan State University (1977-78). He also obtained in 1996 nationally authorized license of Registered Professional Engineer in Rural Environment, based on his 21-year career including FAO associate expert (1983-85), JICA program officer (1989-1990) as well as international environmental consultant (1990-2002). In addition to teaching experience in Utsunomiya University (Environmental Economics, 2002-2005), he has been lecturing in Hiroshima Shudo University as a professor since 2002 (mainly on Environmental Impact Assessment, Economic Evaluation of Environment, and Environment & Politics/Administration). His special fields of study are environmental assessment and cost-benefit analysis of environmental projects. His major publications are as follows; Japanese version of “Economic Valuation Techniques for the Environment   A Case Study Workbook  ” edited by J. A. Dixon, Tsukiji Shokan, 1993; “Economic Assessment of Environmental Impacts”, Tokyo Shuppan, 1998; “Economic Evaluation Methods and Case Studies for Environment of Agriculture/Forestry Projects in Developing Countries”, JICA, 2005; and “Economic Values of Forest Ecological Functions in Sabah, Malaysia   Cost Benefit Analysis Comparison between Forest Certification System and Oil Palm Plantation  ”, Ningen Kankyogaku Kenkyu, 2012, Vol. 10, pp.105-121.

Setsuko SAKAI, Professor, Hiroshima Shudo University
 Setsuko Sakai graduated from the Faculty of Education, Fukui University, 1979. She finished her doctoral course of Informatics and Mathematical Science at Osaka University in 1984. She became a lecturer at the College of Business Administration and Information Science, Koshien University, in 1986, and then an associate professor of the Faculty of Education, Fukui University, in 1990. Since 1998, she has been with the Faculty of Commercial Sciences of Hiroshima Shudo University, where she is a professor in the Department of Business Administration. She is currently working on game theory, decision making, fuzzy mathematical programming, optimization of fuzzy control by genetic algorithms and CAI. She is a member of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, and the Japan Society for Production Management. She holds a She has published papers such as “Tuning fuzzy control rules by α constrained method which solves constrained nonlinear optimization problems”(1999 ) and “Reducing the Number of Function Evaluations in Differential Evolution by Estimated Comparison Method using an Approximation Model with Low Accuracy”(2008) in The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, “Fast and Stable Constrained Optimization by the Constrained Differential Evolution”, in Pacific Journal of Optimization (2009) and so on. She has also published papers in such journals as IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Journal of Optimization Theory and its Applications, Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence etc.

Tetsuyuki TAKAHAMA, Professor, Hiroshima City University
 Tetsuyuki Takahama graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering II, Kyoto University, in 1982. He finished his doctoral course in 1987. He became an assistant professor, and then a lecturer, at Fukui University in 1994. Since 1998, he has been with the Faculty of Information Science of Hiroshima City University, where he is an associate professor in the Department of Intelligent Systems. He is currently working on nonlinear optimization methods, learning of fuzzy control rules, machine learning, inference, CAI, and natural language processing. He is a member of the Information Processing Society of Japan, the Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence, the Japanese Society of Information and Systems in Education, the Association for Natural Language Processing and IEEE. He holds a He has published papers such as “Structural Optimization by Genetic Algorithm with Degeneration (GAd)”, in The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (2003). “Constrained Optimization by Applying the α Constrained Method to the Nonlinear Simplex Method with Mutations”, in IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (2005), “Efficient Constrained Optimization by the Constrained Differential Evolution Using an Approximation Model with Low Accuracy”, in Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (2009) and so on. He has also published papers in such journals as Information Processing Society of Japan Journal, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems etc.

Ryoko WADA, Professor, Hiroshima Shudo University
 Ryoko Wada is a Professor at the Faculty and Graduate School of Economic Sciences of Hiroshima Shudo University. She received the Doctor Degree of Science from Sophia University, Japan, in 1988. Her major research areas are harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces. Especially she is engaged in topics on integral representations of harmonic polynomials. She also presented at a paper titled “Fantappié Transformations of Analytic Functionals on the Truncated Complex Sphere”, M.Kitahara/K.Morioka (eds.), Social Systems Solutions by Legal Informatics, Economic Sciences and Computer Sciences, Kyushu Univ. Press (2010).

Yoshio AGAOKA, Professor, Hiroshima University
 Yoshio Agaoka is a Professor at the Graduate School of Science of Hiroshima University. He graduated from Kyoto University (Faculty of Science) in 1977, and entered the Graduate School of Science, received the Doctor Degree of Science from Kyoto University in 1985. His major research areas are Differential Geometry, Representation Theory and Discrete Geometry. Especially he is engaged in topics on local isometric imbeddings of Riemannian symmetric spaces, decomposition formula of plethysms and classification of tilings of the two-dimensional sphere, etc. Recently, he is mainly engaged in the subject on elementary geometry from the viewpoint of classical invariant theory.

Akira KUBO, Assistant Professor, Hiroshima Shudo University
 Akira Kubo is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economic Science in Hiroshima Shudo University, and he has lectured on “Mathematical Economics” and “Basic Calculus” since 2015. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Hiroshima University in 2014. His major research areas are submanifold theory in symmetric spaces. Especially he has been studying homogeneous submanifolds in Riemannian symmetric spaces of noncompact type. His major papers are as follows; Kubo, A., Tamaru, H.: A sufficient condition for congruency of orbits of Lie groups and some applications, Geom. Dedicata 167 (2013), no.1, 233--238; Kubo, A.: Geometry of homogeneous polar foliations of complex hyperbolic spaces, Hiroshima Math. J. 45 (2015), no.1, 109--123; Hashinaga, T., Kubo, A., Tamaru, H.: Homogeneous Ricci soliton hypersurfaces in the complex hyperbolic spaces, Tohoku Math. J., to appear.


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Eugenics in Japan

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