
A Grammar of Irabu

A Grammar of Irabu

Michinori Shimoji
10,000 yen (excl. tax)
On Weak-Phases

On Weak-Phases

Tomonori Otsuka
6,000 yen (excl. tax)
In this book, I attempt to contribute to the development of the present Phase Theory by pointing out the paradox concerning weak-phases and presenting a solution to it in terms of an activation process between strong/weak-phase heads.  In order to de...
Derivational Feature-based Relativized Minimality

Derivational Feature-based Relativized Minimality

Masako Maeda
7,200 yen (excl. tax)
Based on a cartographic approach, this book examines A′-movement interactions in a hierarchical CP/vP periphery in Italian, English, and Japanese. I propose that elements may undergo parallel/split A′-movement and that movements obey Derivational Fea...
Eugenics in Japan

Eugenics in Japan

Karen J. Schaffner ed.
2,800 yen (excl. tax)
Eugenics and its place in the modernization of Japan has not been widely researched in international circles. It was one of the Western ideas introduced into Meiji Japan after a 300-year-long seclusion--an idea that was adopted to help Japan catch up...
British Romanticism, Slavery and the Slave Trade 1780s to 1830s

British Romanticism, Slavery and the Slave Trade 1780s to 1830s

Chine Sonoi
8,000 yen (excl. tax)
This book examines how the first generation of the Romantics such as Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey were engaged in the abolitionist movement in England from 1780s to 1830s and how their artistic visions and their socio-political and religi...
English Immersion in Japan

English Immersion in Japan

Larry David Kimber
3,400 yen (excl. tax)
Although the term "immersion" seems to have become an attractive label in Japan for any form of intensive English language experience, immersion education has been slow to take hold in Japan to the same extent that immersion and bilingual education h...
Functions and structure of Amae

Functions and structure of Amae

Kazuo Kato
6,400 yen (excl. tax)
This book is the first attempt that ever be theoretically and empirically done to investigate and theorize "amae" from social-cognitive and cultural psychological perspectives. Through theoretical and qualitative analyses of amae, it elucidates its n...
Le Tournant poétique de Francis Ponge

Le Tournant poétique de Francis Ponge

Shinji Iida
9,200 yen (excl. tax)
An Optimality Theoretic Approach to the C-system and its Cross-linguistic Variation

An Optimality Theoretic Approach to the C-system and its Cross-linguistic Variation

Yoshihiro Munemasa
7,600yen (excl. tax)
The Twilight of the British Literary Ballad in the Eighteenth Century

The Twilight of the British Literary Ballad in the Eighteenth Century

Mitsuyoshi Yamanaka
9,200 yen (excl. tax)
The ballad enjoyed a revival in the eighteenth century in Britain, galvanized by Bishop Thomas Percy's great achievement - the Reliques of Ancient English Poetry - and almost every major poet since then has left some literary ballads inspired by the ...


Eugenics in Japan

Eugenics in Japan

Eugenics and its place in the modernizat…


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