Building Catholic Churches in Hong Kong Stories of the laity and living faith
なお、本書は福島綾子著『香港カトリック教会堂の建設 信徒による建設活動の意味 』(九州大学出版会、2019年)を著者自身が英訳し、さらに『香港カトリック教会堂の建設』刊行前後に急展開した香港民主化運動、政教関係、教会堂建設状況に関する最新情報について、分析のうえ加筆したものである。
List of Plates
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Drawings
General notes and credits
Theoretical Framework: Laity’s involvement in church building
Secularisation of the study of Church architecture
ugin and Ruskin
Catholics in Hong Kong
Research question
Literature review
Archival research
Sequence of chapters
Chapter 1 The discourse on the laity
Concept of the laity from ancient times to the early 19th century
Ancient times
Middle Ages
Modern times
Concept of the laity from the late 19th century
New theology and Catholic Action
he Second Vatican Council
Liturgical Reform
Revision of the code of Canon Law
Post-conciliar state of the laity
Synod of Bishops, 1987
The new Catholic movements and discernment of the spirit of the Council
What is the laity in Hong Kong?
Chapter 2 Catholic churches in Hong Kong
Chronological framework
Background to the birth of the Hong Kong Catholic Church, 16th to mid-19th centuries
Church architecture in China
Comprehensive and typological studies of churches in Hong Kong
Comprehensive research
Typological study
Types of churches
Chapter 3 1841 to 1945: Clergy-dominated era of building churches
Historical background
Growth of colony and Catholic Church
Relations between the Church and Government
Training professionals in building industry
Types of churches
Mission station
Stand-alone church
Chapel in convent, school or welfare facility
Owner of church
Clergy-centred building system
Chapter 4 1945 to 1960s: Building schools incorporating churches
Historical background
Religious persecution in China
Refugee influx into Hong Kong
Construction of schools by the Church
Architectural education at University of Hong Kong
Types of churches
Stand-alone church
Mission station
Chapel in refugee settlement
Church in public estate
Churches in private building
Church and school complex
School chapel
Mass centre in Catholic school
Church with welfare facility
Management of church building projects
Chinese architects
Traditional lack of lay ministry
Lay ministry accelerated by the Second Vatican Council
Chapter 5 1970s to 1981: Emergence of Hong Kong Catholic Building Professionals
Historical background
Religious persecution in mainland China
Government standard design schools
Development of new towns and Hong Kong building professionals
Types of churches
Mass centre in government standard design school
Church with welfare facility
Church in private building
Management of church building projects
Bishop Hsu’s reform and Diocesan Convention, 1970
Diocesan Development Committee, 1971
Defects and participation of engineers, 1974
Bishop Wu’s emphasis on lay ministry
Liturgical Art and Architecture Commission, 1977
Chapter 6 1982 to 1989: Lay ministry and the handover of Hong Kong
Historical background
Increased control of religion on the mainland
Announcement of the handover and fear
Pursuit of democracy
Church concern and remedial measures
Bishop Wu’s response to the handover
Lay ministry and small faith community
Catholic Institute for Religion and Society, 1985
Concession of the Church
Transformation of Hong Kong society
Hong Konger identity
Hong Kong building professionals
Types of churches and building projects of the Diocese
Decrease of church/school complexes and Mass centres in Catholic school
Increasing church building projects
Discontinuation of Church Extension Fund
Impasse of traditional management method
Chapter 7 1989 to 1996: Towards the establishment of Diocesan Building and Development Commission
Historical background
Tian’anmen Incident
Intensified fear among Hong Kongers
Boosting the building industry
Intensified fear among Hong Kong Catholics and response of the Diocese
Types of churches
Church and kindergarten complex
Church in private building
Management of church building projects
Architectural Consultant and Clerk of Works at Procuration
Diocesan Liturgy Commission’s initiative for reform
Hong Kong Catholic architects
Theological training for Catholic building professionals
Lay ministry in church building projects
Proposal to Bishop
Establishment of Diocesan Building and Development Commission, 1995
Chapter 8 1997 to 2005: Building a church through urban redevelopment
Historical background
Hindrance of democratisation
Antagonistic Church and Government relations
Economic dependence on China
Types of churches
Church and kindergarten complex
Church and urban redevelopment
Redevelopment of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
History of the Catholic Church in Wan Chai, 1842-1996
Pre-design phase
Design phase: liturgical spaces
Design phase: practical spaces
Lay involvement in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Chapter 9 2006 to 2019: Lay spirituality movement
Historical background
Sinicisation of religions in China and the Sino-Vatican deal
Pro-democracy movements in Hong Kong
Catholic Church in the movements
Aggravated housing and land provision issues
Types of churches
Church and kindergarten complex
Church and community hall
Revival of Mass centre in a Catholic school
Stagnant church building projects
Catholic Building Professional Advisory Group and its spirituality
Spirituality and CaBPAG
CaBPAG and the handover factor
Lay ministry and spirituality
Conclusion Act of building churches for lay Catholics in Hong Kong
Pro-Democracy Movement, 2019
The Church and the Pro-Democracy Movement
The National Security Law for Hong Kong, 2020
Religious persecution
New Bishop of Hong Kong, 2021
Catholic places of worship in the pandemic
New building projects
Lay ministry for church buildings
Appendix 1 List of Catholic churches in Hong Kong
Appendix 2 Architects who worked with the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, 1950s-1990s
Appendix 3 Biography and Church Projects of Chinese Architects, 1950s-1990s
Appendix 4 Bishops, Procurators and Diocesan commissions related to building
Appendix 5 Members and staff of the Diocesan Building and Development Commission (DBDC), 1995-2020
福島綾子(ふくしま あやこ)
課程(Historic Preservation Program)修了。2006年より九州大学