Chapter 1 Legality and Compliance through Deploying Information Technology Munenori Kitahara
1. Introducion
2. Fusion of Law and InformationTechnology
3. Architecture and Security Standard of Information Technology
4. Instances of the Fusion of Law and Information Technology
5. Conclusions
Chapter 2 Three-Good Ricardian Model with Joint Production:
A Schematic Reconsideration Takeshi Ogawa
1. Introduction
2. Model Setup
3. Defining Primary and Secondary Products
4. Potential for Use of Price Region Diagrams
5. Principles of Multiple Efficient Patterns of Specialization
6. Conclusion
Chapter 3 An Application of Cellular Automata to the Oligopolistic Market Kouhei Iyori
1. Introduction
2. Market Model
3. Simulations
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
Chapter 4 Development of a Multi-Country Multi-Sectoral Model
in International Dollars Takashi Yano and Hiroyuki Kosaka
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Structure of the Model
3. Empirical Structure of the Model
4. Application
5. Conclusions
Chapter 5 Stochastic Inventory Model with Time-Varying Demand Michinori Sakaguchi and Masanori Kodama
1. Introduction
2. Preparation
3. Inventory Model of Single Period
4. Numerical Illustration
5. Model of Two-Period
Chapter 6 A Study on Adaptive Parameter Control for Interactive Differential
Evolution Using Pairwise Comparison Setsuko Sakai and Tetsuyuki Takahama
1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. Optimization by Differential Evolution
5. Numerical Experiments
6. Conclusion
Chapter 7 On Some Properties of Harmonic Polynomials in the Case of 𝔰𝔬(p, 2):
Irreducible Decomposition and Integral Formulas Ryoko Wada and Toshio Agaoka
1. Introduction
2. Preliminaries
3. Irreducible Decomposition of n
4. Irreducible Subspaces of n for n ? 4