Chapter 1 Testing the Efficiency of Foreign Exchange Market ─ Part1
Chris Czerkawski and Osamu Kurihara
1. Introduction and Review of Literature
2. Methodology
Chapter 2 Global Flow of Funds and Uncertainty: Focus on the Cross-Border Financing
Nan Zhamg and Li Zhu
1. Introduction
2. Statistical Framework and Global Flow of Funds Matrix
3. Data Sources for Measuring Cross-Border Financing
4. Economic Model and Empirical Findings
5. Conclusion
Chapter 3 Assessing the Fiscal Impact of Liberalization in Laos: A General
Equilibrium Approach Sithanonxay Suvannaphakdy and Toshihisa Toyoda
1. Introduction
2. Background to the Lao Economy
3. Transition from Tariff to Domestic Taxes in Laos
4. CGE Modelling and Data
5. Simulation Results and Policy Implications
Chapter 4 BUMD-tree: An Extended MD-tree using Batch Update Algorithm
for Management of Moving Objects Hiroyuki Dekihara
1. Introduction
2. Management of Moving Objects
3. The BUMD-tree
4. Experimental Results
5. Conclusion
Chapter 5 A Study on an Equivalent Penalty Coefficient Value for Adaptive
Control of the Penalty Coefficient in Constrained Optimization by
Differential Evolution Setsuko Sakai and Tetsuyuki Takahama
1. Introduction
2. Solving Constrained Optimization Problems
3. Differential Evolution
4. Proposed Method
5. Solving Nonlinear Optimization Problems
6. Conclusions