Chapter1 Tokyo or New York: Which Drives East Asian Stock Markets?
Masayuki Susai
1. Introduction
2. Data
3. Model Estimation
4. Discussion
5. Summary
Chapter2 Support Vector Regression Based GARCH Model with
Application to Forecasting Volatility of Financial Returns
Shiyi Chen, Kiho Jeong
1. Introduction
2. Support Vector Regression
3. Empirical Modeling and Forecasting Scheme
4. Monte Carlo Simulation
5. Real Data Analysis
6. Conclusions
Chapter3 Financial Development, Soft Budget Constraints and
Corporate Investment
Hongjun Zhu, Xianjie He, Xinyuan Chen
1. Introduction
2. Related literature
3. The Design of Research
4. Results
5. Robust test
6. Conclusion and Implication
Chapter4 The Impact of Electronic Trading System on Market Efficiency:
An Analysis of NIKKEI 225 Futures Market in Singapore
Masayuki Susai, Hiroshi Moriyasu
1. Introduction
2. Data Description
3. Preliminary Analysis
4. Analysis of Convergence Speed
5. Conclusion
Chapter5 The Characteristic of Public and Private Life Insurance
Demand in Japan
Ko Obara, Norihiro Kasuga, Mahito Okura
1. Introduction
2. Estimation of Life Insurance Demand Functions
3. Results
4. Concluding Remarks
Chapter6 Twin Deficits Revisited: Does the U.S. Fiscal Consolidation
Help to Reduce the Current Account Deficit?
Takeshi Kudo
1. Introduction
2. The Correlation of the Fiscal and Current Acounts
3. The Effects of Fiscal Consolidation
4. Conclusion
Chapter7 Periodical Income Allocation under the Accounting
Regulation in Japan
Hiromasa Okada
1. Introduction
2. Income Concepts in Japan
3. Periodical Income Allocation
4. Reason for Two Types of Periodical Income Allocation
5. Relationship between Two Incomes and Stock Price
6. Conclusion